Other Organisations
Here are some other organisations that do legal observing or police accountability work both nationally and internationally.

Police Accountability Project
The Police Accountability Project is a specialist, innovative, public interest legal project located within the Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre, taking the lead in police accountability law and strategies in Victoria. By providing victim-centred remedies, strategic litigation, evidence based research, community support, and policy and law reform, the Police Accountability Project aims to provide justice for those who least experience it and by doing so hold police who abuse to account.

CounterAct is a not-for-profit organisation that supports communities across Australia to protect the natural environment and work for social justice and human rights. This is done by providing training, educational resources and capacity building to support communities and activists.

Action Ready
Action Ready is a not-for-profit organisation formed by volunteers in Meanjin/Brisbane who believe that educating the community in the law can help ordinary people subvert the system in new and creative ways while making informed, strategic decisions.

NETPOL: Network for Police Monitoring (UK)
Based in London, NETPOL seeks to monitor public order, protest and street policing, and to challenge and resist policing which is excessive, discriminatory or threatens civil rights.

WeCopWatch (US)
For 30 years, groups of ordinary people from communities across the United States have come together to resist police violence by documenting incidents of abuse. WeCopWatch monitors and documents police interactions with citizens. Cop Watchers use a variety of tools to monitor police activities including but not limited to video cameras, cellphones, audio recorders, walkie talkies, police scanners, and CopWatch networking apps.

Supportive Legal Firms in Victoria
Melbourne Activist Legal Support has compiled a short list of local law firms that have useful resources or have proven experience in assisting community activists or campaigns.

Currently active legal observer projects in Australia
A short list of Australian legal observer projects or groups.
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Something to Add?
If you have an informational resource that you’d like to see added to this list, please contact us.