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Media Statement: Excessive Force, Special Powers, and Misinformation Characterise Policing of DLF Protests, Report Finds

27 January 2025

The Policing of the DLF Protests, a comprehensive new report by Melbourne Activist Legal Support (MALS), details disturbing patterns of police misconduct, misuse of special powers, and media misinformation during the Disrupt Land Forces (DLF) protests in September 2024.

The report, based on eyewitness accounts from trained independent legal observers, reveals a concerning escalation of police violence and a coordinated effort to suppress dissent and stifle the right to protest.

The report documents the use of potentially lethal weapons, including chemical irritants, explosive disorientation devices, and kinetic impact projectiles, often deployed indiscriminately and against non-threatening protesters. Instances of police using shields offensively and employing dangerous crowd control manoeuvres which contributed to an environment of fear and panic are also detailed.

Quotes attributable to MALS Spokesperson:

‘Beyond excessive force, MALS strongly criticises the pre-emptive invocation of special police powers under the Control of Weapons Act and the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act, which MALS asserts were used to stifle protest and intimidate activists rather than address legitimate security concerns.’

‘The use of anti-terrorism legislation in the absence of any credible terrorist threat is deeply concerning and sets a dangerous precedent for future protests. These powers were clearly used to suppress dissent and restrict fundamental freedoms.’

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Melbourne Activist Legal Support (MALS)

is an independent volunteer group of lawyers, human rights advocates, law students and para-legals. MALS trains and fields Legal Observer Teams at protest events, provides training and advice to activist groups on legal support structures, and develops and distributes legal resources for social movements. MALS works in conjunction with law firms, community legal centres, and a range of local, national, and international human rights agencies. We stand up for civil and political rights.

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